The background…
Tabitha was introduced as a feral cat to a monastery in the village of Crawley Down in 2009 where Father Peter became her guardian. Feral cats can live happily outdoors, but it is essential that someone looks out for them to ensure that they are not suffering ill-health, and are getting enough food. As her guardian, Father Peter fed her over time, and with love and patience he gradually tamed her. As a responsible owner, he regularly took her to his vet in Copthorne for vaccinations, flea treatment and a checkup. However, during the most recent trip, Tabitha managed to push her way out of the cat basket in Copthorne, and completely vanished!
The problem…
Even though Tabitha had fended for herself in the past as a feral, she was reliant on food and veterinary care from Father Peter. Being in unfamiliar territory put her at risk, and she was very scared and hiding, and although Father Peter tried to find her, she did not respond to his calls. Not knowing what else to do, he put up missing cat posters in the area, which turned out to be exactly the right thing to have done. All in all, she was missing for three weeks. Eventually a concerned resident who had been feeding Tabitha, spotted Father Peter’s notices and called him.
The rescue…
Trying to catch any cat in the open is very difficult, and with a scared cat it is almost impossible. Felines 1st were therefore called in to assist. One of our very experienced volunteers went to help Father Peter with a specialised cat-trap and some food. After some time and lots of coaxing with tuna, Tabitha was eventually caught and transported back to familiar territory.
The happy ending…
Father Peter is delighted and very grateful to have Tabitha back at the monastery in her old stomping ground. Tabitha is no doubt also very happy to be back on her familiar turf with her trusty guardian and owner, Father Peter.
For Felines 1st this is a landmark. As a new charity, this is the first time that we have successfully helped to Reunite a cat with its owner.
What a delightfully inspiring story of love and devotion for beautiful Tabitha!
May Feline’s 1st flourish as they support other needy cats